



It was a busy day. This was also the third racking if The Grey Wizard (Earl Grey Tea-Lemon Mead).

Last time I had added 1lb of honey because I found the taste harsh and very dry. I was worried that might have been too much honey to add. It wasn’t. This one tastes good not great. It’s mellowing. The honey has smoothed out the flavour and some of the harshness of the lemon. (Next time I make this I’ll use less lemon.)

I’m a little concerned that this mead seems to be taking a rather long time to clear. I can’t see through it in the jug an I can see through all the others.

Hydrometer reading: 1.030

The last picture is an “after racking” shot.

Topped up with strong Earl Grey Tea, this variety has a very distinctive bergamot flavor.