The Baggins Brew, my original traditional mead, is shaping up really well. It’s still fermenting and bubbling but fairly slowly.


When I racked it today I used some strong Earl Grey tea to prime the syphoning tube and topped it off with about 3 cups of tea as well. This is for the tannins in the tea which I’ve read helps improve the flavour.


I took another hydrometer reading: 1.032. The original reading was 1.120 so its got about a 12% ABV content now.


The pictures show:


• Syphoning Baggins Brew.
• The lees left behind.
• The hydrometer reading 1.032.
• An “after racking” shot. It’s very can see right through it. I could probably even read through it.

45101684-1 Syphoning Baggins Brew

45101685-2 Baggins Brew Lees

45101686-3 BB hydrometer 1.032

45101687-4 Baggins Brew after racking