You can’t really tell much by the rate fermenting mead bubbles; at least from this recipe.


I took a hydrometer reading: 1.092; the original reading was 1.130. That makes it about 5% ABV (alcohol by volume).


I also took a taste test: Wow! Really good. Sweet but not overly so with a very full bodied flavour. I decided to rack it anyway because I don’t want it to lose that sweetness. I deliberately wanted this to be a dessert mead.


I racked into a Canadian Gallon jug (4.55 L as opposed to 3.79 L in an American Gallon). I topped it off with about 1 litre of strong brewed loose leaf Jasmine Tea (see the pictures). A few leaves got syphoned into the new jug. I’ll probably just leave them there until I rack it again in a month. At the rate this is going — especially after tonights taste test — this mead is going to be awesome in 6 months!


In the pictures you can see:


• The hydrometer reading.
• Undómiel before racking with some jasmine blossoms and raisins floating in it.
• The Jasmine Tea leaves left behind after brewing.
• The new jug topped up with Jasmine tea.

44957039-1 Undo?miel Hydrometer Reading

44957040-2 Undo?miel Before Racking

44957041-3 Jasmine loose leaf tea

44957042-4 Topped up w Jasmine Tea